Jus’ Curious….

…how an internet rag publisher, with whom I share the certainty that we must live in the present, can throw paint around the ‘ack’ towers he stomps around in.  My reading of our usual online indie high profile guy leads me to believe he’s drinking the trendy Kool Aid, currently.  AAFC and ADRA viability seems to go nowhere in the midrust hq building collecting advertisements from mighty important organizations, lately.  Not only can one not escape commentary on what happened last week, but what’s happening this week, what’s about to happen during the 2nd warm up run of whoever the Gerbil wants to profile this week…etc…yawn..(…and  notice Hernandez is getting nearly no coverage; punishment, I assume, for a recent DNQ..and this guy wears the livery from the major…soon to be ex-sponsor).  Yeah, man.  DOD can’t justify their champion’s car…and series…perpetually..and pizza won’t pay for it.  Bread and Circuses  don’t count as legit. “sanctioning body” promotions.  I’m cheap…but expect to buy a ticket…or write a column.  Something.

So, it seems the lack of respect many of us give givaway national events equals dissing progress, entirely… ‘scuse me…”change”.  Notice progress wasn’t actually the topic…No one in drag racing grew to love the sport by refusing to allow progress in….but to simply rewrite the entire sport, based on fad, fear and fallout from sponsors is unjustifiable.  Slowly, so we can all breathe in the words: if baseball eliminated basepath rules, set up arbitration at each road trip, gave away tickets to all fans, ordered peanuts out of the park…in short, paid no RESPECT to the game-Americans would revolt.  Those who would do likewise to the sport of drag racing don’t carry the juice to command the direction of things from a catbird seat in St. Louis…

Published in: on August 15, 2009 at 2:44 am  Leave a Comment  

A Class For Every Car

…may be returning very shortly. Jim Tice Jr., a Moe family spawn and others emotionally invested in our sport have signed on to the previously theorized revival of AHRA. At a point where a respectful organization dedicated to the propagation of a lineage-based sport is nearly non-existent, we’re heartened. The fastest way to screw this up is to only cater to 50-plus year olds–which I am, as well. Colonial Beach appears ready to pounce on the new American Hot Rod Association; a move which would bring in the DC area. Bill Pratt, the Durham family and lil’ Sox should have an interesting play pen, there…

Published in: on August 7, 2009 at 3:56 am  Leave a Comment